Monday, April 19, 2010

Repeating Myself: How I Repeat Myself

I began this blog with no over-arching theme or subject other than myself, and as it has gone on, it has been my predilections that have given it shape. I have made some effort to track this with labels on each post. Initially, individual entries contained disparate areas of content that would now each warrant their own post, but it has for some time been the case to have one post and one topic. This has enabled me to see what might be called a flaw in myself. As the title of this post indicates plainly, it's repetition.

I had some inkling that I repeat myself a lot simply from the thought that has often cropped up during conversations that I've expressed myself the same way in part or in whole during some previous conversation. Sometimes I feel certain that I'm have the exact same conversation with someone I haven't spoke to since I first met them some long time ago. Until I'm well into it, I don't realize it, and don't feel I can break it off since the other person never shows any sign of recalling the previous conversation (this perhaps reflects another failing- that of an underwhelming impression I would seem to be making).

At least with this blog, I can determine with certainty whether I've covered the same area before. If not, it's full steam ahead. If so, however, I must either change course or head deeper into uncharted waters. I don't know if my self-esteem can handle the possible eventuality that I will fully plumb the full depth of my intellect before the age of thirty. It might be necessary to start taking steps to ensure that I meet some tragic and untimely end before that happens.

Of course, I could simply disappear from sight, like Earhart, but could still attain a legendary reputation such as is already enjoyed by such luminaries as Edgar Allan Poe, Buddy Holly, John Keats and so many more. In the absence of such dramatics, I will have to come up with a way of avoiding frequently old, played out work. If worst comes to worst, I will just have to make wild, impetuous changes, trusting that collateral damage resultant is justified by an uptick in blog quality.

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