Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I'll Show You: Part One

I was reading an old post from this blog today. That post was about an early improv show in which I performed. It holds up better than much of what I wrote then. I don't often go back and look at such things, particularly from as far back as that. Sometimes I find myself reading a post after it turns up in a search I conduct to see whether or not I've written about something I have an idea for. I hate the idea of repeating myself, so I do my best to avoid it. In this case, I stumbled on something that was interesting to look at in light of more recent developments. I've just recently done my latest show, and while I haven't written about those so much since the early days of this blog, it seemed worth doing this time around.

There ought to be a record of this kind of thing, and regrettably a technical glitch prevented our segment of the showcase from being videotaped. I won't be able to objectively and thoroughly convey it as that would have, but I'll do my best. The day did not start as well as it might have. The day before, I had been on set acting in a film, and I believe I left the case for my cell phone in the car which drove me home. I don't care for complainers who harp on that sort of thing, but you have to know that to appreciate my frantic, obsessed journey out of the house the morning and afternoon the day of the show.

I had really lost perspective, and spent a couple hours in search of a modestly priced replacement that I really know would only be necessary for at most a few days before I could recover the one I had. I was able to resist buying another, and did something that actually was productive: buy groceries. I always know I need to do that when I find myself attempting to make a meal out of condiments or when I contemplate filching groceries from a roommate. It was at this time that I received mildly unfavorable news about the apartment I'll be moving into and had my services requested for someone moving.

The apartment thing will be just fine, I hasten to note, and I look forward to finally getting in there. As for the moving... I had to hustle home to drop off my groceries and try to eat something. I had some remnants of the ingredients for the sandwiches I was eating, so I made the most of that. After wolfing down some cheese and baloney accompanied only by hot sauce, I rushed back out and hustled on foot to the place from which the moving was to be done. It was in fact the fiance of my former roommate, who I ought to mention is replacing me. It was my pleasure to help, and in so doing to meet her mother and see again her father. We managed to move a great deal of stuff and have a little fun talking as well. Joining us late was a good friend from improv who was to be involved in the same improv show as I, and so I rode along with him.

Tomorrow, I'll spill the beans on the show itself.

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