Friday, June 10, 2011

Copping To A Good Time

When I was somewhat younger, I was not accustomed to being included in very many parties of any kind. Those at which I was welcome would at the very most have available as a refreshment Jolt Cola or perhaps mere Mountain Dew or Coca Cola. This being the case, we did not get unduly rowdy, or do anything more severe than watching horror movies all night long. At the most reckless and uncontrolled Bacchanalia, I believe the host disassembled a replica of Bat Masterson's revolver. I expect that it must have been a tough task, but reassembling it was probably not beyond the talents of humans.

The point is that parties then never got so that it seemed necessary from anyone's perspective to call in the legal authorities. Perhaps I missed out on account of that. These days, a party could hardly be worth remarking on if the police do not turn out to curtail our fun. At the very least, I expect the landlord to stop by in a surly mood if I am even going to make the effort to appear at a party. That is to say that I feel that way if the police or landlord come out only when we have really earned it.

All too often, they jump the gun. I would say that they can trust us to elevate the reveling to such a level that would be worth their time. I hate for them to come before things get interesting for fear that they never will. Rest assured, dear authorities, we will most definitely rise to the occasion if I am party to the goings-on. I'm not much for illegal gatherings, but of marginally objectionable ones I am a big fan. I just insist on them actually meeting that definitions head on and not having it applied where it is unwarranted.

Then again, there are those occasions where, as host, you just want the attendees to believe the police have come, whether they are need or not, or indeed whether they are there or not. I may or may not have written of one of the few social occasion to which I was invited in Chicago. It was put on by theater students, and I was brought there by a roommate (between whom and I relations were very soon strained to the breaking point). When the hosts of the party were ready for it to end, they simply reported the arrival of police, and the now-unwelcome partiers only discovered the deception upon exiting the building. It was clever and I admired the ruse too much to be upset by the premature end of that party.

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