Wednesday, June 29, 2011

You Got Me

I always have been a proud detractor of sushi. I have had it in the past, and just did not go for it (with eel being the lone positive experience). In my recollection, that was once a more commonly held attitude, with derision heaped on the raw fish in favor of the only nearly-raw hamburger or similarly conventional American fare. These days that seems to be less the case, and especially so in such a progressive cuisine city as LA (its singular hot dogs and donuts aside). For some time I've been feeling the pressure to get into sushi, and I have to admit that I have caved.

The thing that has done it is a now-traditional visit to a sushi restaurant for their 'happy hour' prior to improv class. Some good friends were doing this, and I was for some time begrudgingly ordering edamame and an iced tea so that I could justify being there and spending time with them. One day, I was in some rare kind of a mood and decided to try a couple things for the first time in a long time. They were pretty good, as have been most of the things I have tried after.

I don't know yet whether I enjoy sushi across the board. Certainly of the things I have sampled thus far, I have enjoyed some more than others. Rolls are pretty delicious, but straight sushi is more of a mixed back. I think with some of this stuff I'm still a bit ignorant on how to eat it. Some items seem not be be well suited to consumption in either several bites or just one. Other items seem to hold together poorly when dipped in soy sauce. Anyway I'm beginning to get there, and if there are things I don't know, I'm not alone, as even my more experienced friends confess to not knowing sometimes.

On the whole I will say that I enjoy sushi. I don't know how I would cope if forced into a diet exclusive of anything else. I  don't even know whether I will get to a point of seeking it out of my own volition. Certainly I am not there now, but I know that I need not eschew my friends on account of their patronage of sushi restaurants. Some things I just won't do merely to be with friends, but it's always better if you can see your way clear to doing it, and I have managed it with sushi.

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