Wednesday, February 22, 2012

First Through Third Resorts

I don't really do too well with a lot of small, mundane things. I danced on camera for a rap video and the part of the day that struck the most fear into me was driving a car maybe fifty yards and parking it. It's those smaller things that are tough. Shopping for things is like that for me. I have a very short time limit when I need something, and when time's up I will either have what I need or do without. I often do without.

There are really only three places I really have the motivation to go when I need something. The place where I hope most of all to find things is the grocery store. I go there all the time, and it's very close to home. I would probably rather have some cheap, chintzy version of something from there than a good one or a better-priced one elsewhere, because it's quick and simple that way. If what I need is food, I'm good. Outside of food, they're not so strong.

Across the street from the grocery store is where I go somewhat less often, and mainly when the grocery store has already failed me. That would be the drugstore. Sometimes they have what I want when the grocery store doesn't, but I hate to go because it takes a minute more to cross the street, ten more minutes to find the thing or not find the thing, more time to check out and all the time walking home. I prefer not to go there.

Not so bad and often a place I've already checked before hitting the drugstore is the dollar store. They don't have much, but they have some of about everything. Regrettably, it almost all has carcinogenic metal in it, but what can you do? Sadly, even they often fail me. When that happens, I'll probably cope for months without something like ink cartridges or tiny screwdrivers for glasses. That's not sensible, but it's how I am.

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