Monday, February 6, 2012


Yesterday I wrote of watching movies twice, and rigidly adhering to a convention of never watching a movie twice for lack of time to do anything but watch films for the first time. I really have gotten wearing of being yoked into a lot of oppressive rules about such things. When I started doing Netflix, it wasn't long before my queue ballooned out of control, growing into the hundreds. It was a stifling notion that my every movie experience had more or less been plotted out for years to come.

Whatever difficulty I have with spontaneity, movie-watching is just that kind of an experience. I hate getting tight and not letting myself watch something on a whim because there are other movies that have been waiting and which "I have to get to". It starts to sound less like fun and a lot more like work, which I never have been much for. I have gotten to feel lately like I'd like to start forgetting about the rules that I impose on myself.

I am trying not to worry about the movies and shows I feel I must watch in order to keep my finger on the pulse. I can't say really what I get out of that. There's a reason why I gravitate towards certain obscure stuff, and there is no profit in struggling against it and watching other things. I just want to always watch the thing that I want to watch at that moment, and if that leads to me always having a patchy body of films watch, then so be it.

I feel the benefits of it already. Today I didn't think twice about putting on 'Assault On Precinct 13", an old John Carpenter classic that I've seen many times. It was comfortable like an old pair of shoes, and I felt no great pressure to watch the whole thing. I enjoyed some, maybe I'll get to the rest of it. Maybe I'll pick out something based on a neat poster or an interesting synopsis- something I didn't even know about.  Why not, right? It could be fun.

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