Thursday, March 22, 2012


It's exceptionally possible that when I perish, it will be from something like heart disease. I eat slightly better these days, but not terribly well. The things I gravitate towards are filled with sodium, nitrates and about everything else bad. These things I eat because they're simple, and because they're cheap. They're intermittently tasty, although I don't tend to insist on that. I should cut down on all that, but it's hard.

The thing that really makes it bad is when there's a sale or something. The other day, I noticed a sale on the canned ravioli that I love. It's ordinarily 99 cents. They marked it down to 89, for a discount of ten cents. It's not rational that I would go and snap up a bunch, considering the savings there is not incredible. That's why, of course, I did exactly that thing and bought six cans instead of two. I've never pretended to be rational.

I have to try and take it slow with those cans of ravioli. I think I haven't done too badly. I can't physically take more than two in a sitting, so it's good that there's an upper limit. I really shouldn't have more than one, but we can't hope for the moon and the stars, can we? I think I have a couple of the cans left after something like a couple days, so I think I'm doing all right. I understand that a diet of little but coffee, hash browns and canned ravioli is tough to construe as all right, but I excel at that.

 Luckily, I'm young. I can still take such gastrointestinal abuse for a little while longer, and it's not utterly unacceptable yet, socially speaking. I have a plan to deal with the situation. I will soon start doing very well with my career, and with the tremendous money I'll be making them, I can afford good, nutritious food for all me meals. I'll also be able to afford a doctor to address the damage done in the past. It's going to be great.


Beverly said...

Okay, that had me laughing out loud! I love hashbrowns and coffee. Not sure about the ravioli. I have purchased canned beef stew and chicken and dumplings at Dollar General. I knew I had really gone to the dogs.....

Frenchie said...

OMG! I can't fathom that! But what one chooses to eat is a personal choice and what can I say? I'm not a hater!

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