Thursday, March 29, 2012

Something Short

At home, I sometimes use pencils and sometimes it's pens. It depends partly on what I find first, but it sometimes is a question of what mood I'm in. Only occasionally is it a matter of which one is necessary for the job, as is the case when I'm writing checks. Now, when I'm out and about, the reasoning is something different. I have to think about the ever-present possibility of pens breaking and leaking on my clothes, but then pens can break as well and are difficult to re-sharpen away from home.

What I like to use is a golf pencil. That's what I call it, although the stubby little pencil commonly used during the playing of that game may have another name (and may not even be so called during golf for all I know). What's important is not what it's called. What matters is what it's good for. It's small and simple. It's less likely to break, and when it does I don't have to feel so bad since it's such a trifle of an implement.

I like to package it together with a little notepad through the use of a rubber band. This way, it really can't break, as it's protected by the pages of the notepad. I'll slip the whole thing into a back pocket or a jacket pocket, and it's all very dependable. Phones die and pens can fail you, but that little combo is nothing but reliable. Even if the worst happens, it won't hurt me- it could only temporarily let me down. I like that.

I have to secure a larger supply of golf pencils, though. I have the idea that I could get a box of them at an office supply store, but I'm not sure. It did occur to me that I could make golf pencils out of regular ones by breaking them in half and sharpening the broken ends, but then you would always have a real golf pencil and one that has an eraser. They shouldn't have erasers, and anyway I would know they're not the real deal. One must settle for nothing less than complete authenticity in life.


Frenchie said...

You could use your fathers compound miter saw and break down 1 gross of reg. pencils into 2 gross score keepers in one chop!!!

Frenchie said...

The of what you are discilusding is a grey area, wouldn't you think?

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