Saturday, June 16, 2012

Mergers & Acquisitions

I come into possession of so many small items that I can't really believe it. They crop up like mad, filling whatever space I live in. If this apartment were twice as big, it would be as full. This is true for anyone, I think. You have to be really dedicated to doing without a lot of things in order to keep yourself to a select few items. There was some kind of challenge about getting down to a hundred items, or somewhere around there. I wouldn't do it.

It's interesting to think about some of the things I've had for a while, and how I got them. The big pillow I have that lets me sit up in bed caught my eye when I was casting about for an idea. I've had it for at least three or so years. When I lived over in LA's Highland Park neighborhood, I made my way to the Goodwill nearest there sometimes. I then had few belongings out here, and much had to be replaced. I found that pillow there and snapped it up.

It wasn't the easiest thing to move without a car. I had to carry it to the bus stop, which was a bit of a walk from the Goodwill and which was by an underpass which was perpetually teaming with trash. I was fearful of dirtying anything I set down, and probably justifiably so. Upon reaching the nearest bus stop to my home, I had to carry the thing up a big hill, and so I think that I have earned the right to cling on to this possession.

I had to get another pillow to go along with it, of course, but it is terribly useful. I'm inclined to read in bed, and on rough mornings, it is of tremendous help in pulling myself out of the fog lingering from sleep and beginning to face the day. What it's not is terribly interesting to most people, but perhaps you have something like it, and that is what we call relatable. Writing relatable pieces is supposed to be commercial, and I'm always open to making a dollar.

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