Monday, August 13, 2012

My Predilection

As incredible as it may sound, words sometimes don't come terribly easily to me. Actually, it's not so much that they don't come to me- it's more that I transmit them poorly once they have. Common is the sentiment that I keep to myself for fear of the outcome or for lack of opportunity or for some other reason. A frequent reason that the articulation of a thought does not really come in word form. Sometimes it has to be in a picture or video.

I have a bad habit of replying to peoples' Facebook and Twitter updates with nothing but a picture or a video that accurately captures my feelings about what they've said. I do this all too often, and probably those around me are rather weary of it. I can be something like Harpo Marx with a Youtube account in place of a horn, carrying on relatively eloquent conversations without uttering a word. Actually, I'll let my interlocutors say whether it's eloquent.

Sometimes the right video or picture doesn't occur to me exactly, but I'd rather have one than to just say what I'm thinking. You'd be amazed how quickly you can come up with a suitable media-form response by typing the keywords into a search engine. The other day I came up with a picture of what was supposed to be a hawk-dog hybrid, and it was in a matter of seconds. This world is certainly not designed to make it hard to maintain one's idiosyncrasies.

I suppose there's nothing wrong here. If people are irritated, it's at least not enough that they abandon me online in droves. They may be ignoring me, but they are still wary of hurting my feelings, so there no need to change on their account. I suppose also that I do express myself properly in words often enough, and maybe it's even a positive trait that I don't always need the words to achieve it. Well, I've come to no resolution today. If there were any refund to give, you'd have it.

1 comment:

Frenchie said...

Very interesting! FB promotes using alternate sources to communicate your thoughts. There is a sanitized element to it but it works. You hit the nail on the head once again!

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